
how to start living for yourself and your passions

Sunday, April 5, 2020

everyday i'm learning more and more the importance in living for myself and seeking the things that bring me joy and peace. i've spent a lot of years anxious over being someone else, but one of the biggest lessons i've learned this year is letting go of that. the main thing i've learned, is that you have to change your mindset. you've got to be forgiving of yourself and you've got to change your actions.

start small. you can't expect yourself change in one day. take whatever you aspire and break in down into small, attainable goals. for example...

- i want to take yoga more seriously...
            do ten minutes of yoga everyday
- i want to eat a plant based diet...
             remove one food group from my diet at a time and don't continue until i've made it a habit
- i want to finish writing my book...
              sit down with my story at least once a day

when you commit to these small actions, you're creating habits. we're habitual creatures by nature, we constantly seek what is familiar and known, which is why you've gotta make the unknown known...

another important thing is to keep yourself motivated, some things that i've found that work well is to...

- always carry a notebook with you
              write everything down - your aspirations, fears, dreams, grocery lists, ...
- surround yourself with visual reminders
              create a mood board or write your goals on a post it note and put it on your mirror
- what you seek is seeking you
              read quotes, listen to podcasts, read books and blog posts, watch vlogs and documentaries
- speak it into existence
              (this was a hard one for me) it's super important to share your story, when you say things 
              out loud and share them with others, it's also a tool for holding yourself accountable
- there's beauty in growth
              there's beauty in your path and it will be crooked and sometimes you may feel like you're 
              walking back in the direction you came from. failure is apart of growth, but so is starting again
- believe in impossibilities
             wake up everyday and believe that you're deserving of your dreams

i have a vision of who i want to be and just the idea of it alone makes me smile uncontrollably. it won't be easy to meet that person, but it's not impossible. all i have to do is adjust my habits and my strengthen my work ethic. everyday i wake up with the simple intention of being a better version of myself than i was the day before.

what are you goals? speak them into existence into the comments below!

with love, Sarah.

the art of living slowly

Friday, March 27, 2020

the last few weeks have had me a little out of touch, nothing feels real. but despite the seriousness of the situation and despite my anxieties over it, i am someone who firmly believes in making the best out of any situation, especially the ones out of our control. and this is definitely something that is entirely out of our control. there's an art form, i think, to living slowly  and if we let go of our fears, i think we can find in this time a purpose. i don't do well with letting big things like this happen without big lessons. i hope during this time i can learn how to live slow and have peace about it and i hope when we get our world back, i won't take it for granted. i hope i'll try new things, go places i've never gone before, hug people... But for now, I hope I'll find beauty in simple things, that i'll reconnect with myself and my home, that i'll cherish what i do have...

"perhaps this is what this season is all about:
trusting in the unknowns, finding gold in the
little things, trading fear of what's certain for
freedom to thrive within it."
- morgan harper nichols -

with love, sarah

connecting deeper during this time of social distancing

Wednesday, March 25, 2020

putting all anxieties about this pandemic aside, i want to focus on the good today. being in quarantine and practicing social distancing can be isolating and easily detrimental to mental illnesses that many of us go through. it's easy to let your situation control your emotions, but if you open your heart there is also endless opportunities for you to take control simply by changing your mindset and actions.

connecting deeper during this time of social distancing

one | reconnect with yourself
chances are you've let go of yourself lately, you're unfamiliar with your emotions, your dreams, because you've been so focused on the outside world. take this time to reconnect with your heart. don't stay in bed all day, turn on music and dance so you can learn your body again. teach yourself something new to reconnect with your mind again.

two | reconnect with your passions
maybe there's words in your brain you have to get out on paper or maybe it's been a few months or longer since you've picked up your guitar. whatever you're passionate about, you now have time to make that a priority again.

three | cherish your home
you are beyond fortunate enough to live in a home, so take this time to be completely grateful for it. make your home a magical space again. paint a wall, make a new piece of art work, reorganize your pantry, clean your room, declutter your closet.

four | practice gratitude
i think a lot of us are focusing on what we've lost, and letting the anxieties of it's consequences get the best of us, but that's exactly it - these things are out of your control. your mindset, however, is entirely in your control. practice gratitude for your health, for phone calls with your loved ones, for this life. you've never been promised tomorrow, this hasn't changed.

"when you let go, you create space for better things to enter your life."

what are some things you're doing during this time of 
social distancing that are bringing you peace and joy? 
stay safe, sarah

my intentional journey towards living plant based

Friday, March 20, 2020

                                          You must be the change you wish to see in the world.
                                                                                            - Gandhi

            Those words have always resinated with me. As if from the first time I read them, something pulled from deep within my soul, outward. That's where my purpose lies, that's who I'm meant to be. Whatever this change is in the world that I seek, whatever desire I have to be positive impact, no matter how small, is found in these words.

            It all rests on my actions. Before anything I'm a truth seeker and probably a bit of an empath, too. These truths don't lie in what can always be seen, but from what can be felt and experienced. Empathy has taught me not only to see things from other perspectives - the joy, pain, and chaos of others no matter how different they are from me - but to also realize the alternate paths. There is a path that I am not on that is necessary. It's easy to live within my comfort zone, to do what I've always done because after all I've survived that way and the world does not seem to be effected negative by it.

            But how can I possibly want better things for myself and for the world, if I'm not willing to change myself? Leo Tolstoy wrote,

                                   Everyone thinks of changing the world, but no one thinks of changing himself.

            I've always had a calling towards caring about the earth and it's creatures, I think we all innately do, I think that's very much a part of being human. I've stumbled upon a whole new entire way of living in which by making small decisions every day I can greatly impact the world, all while actively and consciously loving the world and it's creatures as I've always claimed I do. My choices have an effect on the world and hopefully they might inspire others to change, to..

            I'm on a slow, intentional path towards a vegan lifestyle. It isn't my first experience with this way of living. In high school I was a vegetarian for the right reasons but unfortunately I also had a horrible relationship with my body and with food so I went about it entirely wrong. Then about a year ago I decided to go vegan, for the same reasons that I'm on this path now, but I went about it, again, the entirely wrong way. I cut everything out at once and I placed a lot of pressure on myself to be all or nothing. That if I were going to have a vegan diet, I couldn't fail and meanwhile should be taking all other steps towards a vegan and sustainable lifestyle. This is unrealistic and unhealthy, especially in one step. Completely changing your lifestyle, I've learned from both experience and research, is a process. I'm learning to be patient with myself, forgiving, and as a result I'm becoming passionate about this journey.

            This realization came to me about a month ago and not entirely on my own. I watched a lot of vlogs and read a lot of blogs of people's experiences with their transition and with almost all advice I received was to be easy on yourself and to take it slow. I decided to first focus on my eating habits. Before I did anything else, I cut out foods that I knew were effecting my health. Primarily milk and cheese, that I already suspected made me feel sick. As soon as I cut those things out, I felt so much better. Next I cut out red meat and pork and eggs. I almost never ate pork anyways and even though I ate red meat and egg sometimes, that transition has been fairly easy, too. Next I want to slowly remove poultry from my diet as well as cut out unhealthy drinks.

            Following that I will continue to cut food groups out until I'm eating entirely plant based. I'm taking this journey slowly and I'm really learning to listen to my body. That's another thing I've discovered in all my research and listening to  advice about adapting to this lifestyle, not only is it about connecting deeper with the world, it's about connecting deeper with yourself. There's an intuition you build from it that leads you to a better understanding. This decision, I'm learning, is entirely life changing, but mostly in the ways that you don't expect. There's so much to learn by stepping out of your comfort zone and by following your heart. I'm so excited for this journey and to share it with others.

Best wishes, keep changing the world, I love you all


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