the art of living slowly

Friday, March 27, 2020

the last few weeks have had me a little out of touch, nothing feels real. but despite the seriousness of the situation and despite my anxieties over it, i am someone who firmly believes in making the best out of any situation, especially the ones out of our control. and this is definitely something that is entirely out of our control. there's an art form, i think, to living slowly  and if we let go of our fears, i think we can find in this time a purpose. i don't do well with letting big things like this happen without big lessons. i hope during this time i can learn how to live slow and have peace about it and i hope when we get our world back, i won't take it for granted. i hope i'll try new things, go places i've never gone before, hug people... But for now, I hope I'll find beauty in simple things, that i'll reconnect with myself and my home, that i'll cherish what i do have...

"perhaps this is what this season is all about:
trusting in the unknowns, finding gold in the
little things, trading fear of what's certain for
freedom to thrive within it."
- morgan harper nichols -

with love, sarah

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