hammocks and sunshine

Sunday, September 2, 2018

            Happy long weekend loves! Today I wanted to chat with you about one of my favorite pastimes which is hammocking. Although I have fond memories of chilling in a net hammock at my grandparents' house as a kid, it wasn't until college that I totally fell for hammocking. I mean there wasn't a sunny day on campus where students weren't swinging in their hammocks all over the college I went to and it was something I instantly wanted to get on board with.

            The special thing about hammocking though (and it's not something you can quite discover until you try it yourself) is where it takes you. And not just physically, but spiritually and emotionally, too. And that is something I full-heartedly believe...

    • climbing into a hammock is spending time with mother nature.
    • fresh air is one of the best medicines out there. I swear it's like an entire detox for your whole body when you can get outside and away from the noise.
    • it's a perfect opportunity to meet God than right in the middle of His creations, you can see all the beauty and effort He put into every single thing out there, including you.
    • there's no better place to pull energy from than the eternal source that is nature. There is no finite source of good energy in nature. You can pull and pull and pull as you need and be fully rejuvenated the moment you find the way in which you need to spend time in nature. For some people it's hiking a mountain, others a walk through the park, some a coffee on their porch in the mornings, some tending to a garden, and some from their hammock with a good book. Whatever it is, it's out there among the trees and the wildflowers.

            So what takes you outdoors? For me it always involves a camera, a notebook, and a hammock, but I'd love to hear what you've found to be passionate about out in the wilderness... Let me know in the comments below!

With love, S.

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