morning rituals

Monday, July 23, 2018

            Hello friends! Today I wanted to talk about morning rituals. I'm a total morning person, but I only truly love mornings when I feel energized and I have the opportunity to be productive. Morning rituals for me are all about finding positive energy to ignite the day, setting intentions so I can better seek out my goals, as well as engaging with my mind and body.

            There is nothing I dislike more than a rushed morning, I always find that it tends to leave me feel anxious the rest of the day. I feel like all the speed bumps and stumbling blocks of being an introvert are brought out, too. I'm kind of left with a pit in my stomach the rest of the day, kind of like how you feel when you're late for a deadline.

            Ultimately when I engage in this morning ritual, I also find that I am so much more motivated to actually seek out opportunities to accomplish my goals and I just have a better day in general. I'm more carefree with the daily stressors that life brings me, I'm more optimistic and inspired.


  1. I hydrate with a glass of water.
  2. I open up the blinds and windows (if the weather is nice) to let in the natural light and fresh air, I also take this time to add essential oil to my diffuser.
  3. I tend to my plants.
  4. I make my bed (a clean space is a happy place).
  5. I meditate and use this time to set my intentions for the day and express gratitude.
  6. I stretch and do yoga while I either listen to a podcast or instrumental music.
  7. I brush my teeth, go through my skin care and beauty routine (again, usually while I listen to a podcast or music).
  8. I sit down with my bible and utilize this time to talk with Jesus.
  9. I attempt to eat breakfast...I'm really bad at eating breakfast and if I do eat it, it's usually quite small.

            I will say that most mornings, I don't accomplish every task on this list. And sometimes not even half on my work days. However, everyday I do make an effort to do as many of these as  I can. I find that the more that I do, the better day I have, and that makes me all the more motivated to do it again tomorrow.

            What are some things you like to include in your morning routine? I'd love to hear your answers in the comments below!

With love, S.

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