what makes me feel alive

Thursday, July 12, 2018


            I think the happiest I've ever been was the summer I went to Córdoba, Spain. I've never felt so alive as I did flying over the Atlantic, walking through the cobbled streets of a European city, and trying the new foods and traditions. It was the first time I got to fulfill my wanderlust in a way I hadn't quite before. Although I love road trips and exploring around Tennessee and America, seeing a whole new culture was incomparable


            I absolutely adore those soulful, one on one conversations. The ones where you really get to see into the heart of another person. What sets their soul on fire. The way they think. What they dream about. I love it best when those conversations lead to Jesus.


            I really can't put into words how head over heels I am in love with photography. I love the versatility of the art form. How you can document and tell a story about the world or you can literally create a story. Or how you can play with the emotions of an image by the most subtle things or manipulate the photos through editing. I could sit in photoshop and lightroom for hours and never get bored of it.


            I truly believe I feel the most alive when I'm creating. And I've fallen in love with so many forms of it ever since I was a child, if it had anything to do with dance, art, or music, I threw my whole self into it.


            Out of everything that makes me feel alive (that and my relationship with Christ), writing is the most personal. It's the one thing I'm least likely to share with anyone. I feel like when I write, a part of my soul goes with it. And sharing it would be baring the most insecure bits of me. Getting to blog, while it is very personal, isn't nearly as hard as creative writing. I feel the bond I create with my characters, with their stories and the places I write about it. It's intense, and it's why not a lot of people know that I absolutely love writing.


           Out of everything I hope to accomplish in my time on Earth, I hope to always live to worship Christ. To glorify God through my purpose. To mend the broken hearted, lead the blind, and be a voice to the voiceless. To live as Christ-like as I can each and every day. And I feel SO alive when I see Christ moving through my life. When I am open to HIS plan for me, I feel that his strength is unstoppable when I'm up against mountains and battles.

            Let me know in the comments below, what sets your soul on fire? What makes you feel alive? Did you feel a connection with anything I wrote about? I'd love to hear your answers!

With love, S. 

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