
Wednesday, August 29, 2018

            If I accomplish anything in this life, it's to see all the beauty and diversity that God's created in the world. For as long as I can remember I've been struck by the travel bug. I honestly can't remember being happier than I was the first time I left everything familiar and discovered the full, undying extent of my wanderlust in Córdoba, Spain. I wrote about some of my favorite bits that have remained like snapshots in my mind, so without further ado...


        I remember falling asleep to the quiet hum of that old city on clean floral sheets with the balcony doors wide open. In a language I hardly recognized, voices and laughter would carry on in the streets below throughout the night, singing me to sleep like a lullaby. Morning arrived gracefully, and I'd wake up to the songs of birds and the sunlight peaking through the white curtains, it's warmth on my eyelids.

        Below the apartment I stayed in was a cobbled maze, streets lined with shops, cafes, apartments, and at the center of the district was the mosque with it's cascading tower reaching up towards the sky. When your somewhere completely new, you see differently. I could see narratives unfold like I'd never seen before. Traveling had taught me to see the world differently. Stories within the architecture, the art, the food, the language. Discovering Córdoba was like seeing magic for the first time. 

            I took walks through tangled, intricate gardens, designed with perfect intention. I set foot in buildings whose architecture moved my soul to emotions of gratitude so extreme I'd never quite felt before. The world fell still while I stood on top of castles and temples, watching the city and landscape dissolve into the horizon. And during this time I discovered undoubtedly, whether I was mid-exploring an old church, caught in a breathtaking view, drinking lemon Fanta at a market, dancing at my brothers wedding, or  doing something as simple as sitting on that balcony, that I would never stop dreaming of this feeling again. That wanderlust had caught me, heart and soul, and I was destined to find it again.

With love, S.

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