"take heart"

Monday, August 13, 2018

            Today I wanted to share with you something near and dear to my heart. As someone who struggles with anxiety and has definitely been through seasons where I've let it get the best of me, I've always found that God's grace was the constant to pull me out.

            Jesus led this perfect life and yet died so that we who live such imperfect lives would not be held accountable for our sins when it came to our eternity. He overcame the world so that we wouldn't have to. I often find myself in awe when I think of the kind of life Jesus led, and how much more there must be to it that we've only scratched the surface of. All the things he witnessed and all the lives he touched during his brief time on Earth and here we are and he's still completely changing our hearts, wrecking us and remolding us to this very day.

            John 16:33 says:

"I have told you these things, so that in me 
you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. 
But take heart! I have overcome the world."

           I've always known John 16:33, and the message behind it has always been a big deal to me, but it wasn't until I read a book called Through the Eyes of a Lion by Levi Lusko (an incredible book, by the way) that my whole heart shifted with this scripture.

            "Jesus said that in this world we will have trouble, but he instructed us to take heart, because he has overcome the world (John 16:33). It is interesting that he said 'take heart,' because heart is also translated as courageousness, so he is saying 'take courage.' We often think of courage as an emotion or attribute that you either have or don't. Not so. Jesus' command is for you to take it from his hand - as much as you need... As we wait on the Lord, our hearts are strengthened, and we see things that are invisible and can then do things that are impossible."

            So when Jesus said heart, he was talking about:

          And the beautiful thing about this is that it's not because of who we are, but it's because of who Christ is. Christ, his grace and his love, is an endless source of courage to take on the world with. And it doesn't matter how anxious, scared, weak, fearful, sinful, undeserving, or broken you feel. We are instructed to take from God's hand, and as much as we need. How pure and whole is that kind of love? It kind of leaves me speechless.

            To this day I've never looked at those words the same way. Sometimes even the word heart in a completely different context will call out to me. It's often too easy to let our anxieties get the best of us, we let fear control us and dictate are actions. Knowing that God has all the courage we need and we have access to it, lifts all that weight off our shoulders. There's something totally infinite and unconquerable about it, and that's all because of who Christ is. 

            "Faith is the antidote to losing heart.
It puts the lens of faith in front of your eyes and
gives you access to limitless courage."

So whatever battles you're facing, remember to remain faithful.

With love, S.

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